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Juliann Scholl, Ph.D.

Juliann Scholl
Contributing Writer

Juliann Scholl, Ph.D., was a tenured professor at Texas Tech University for several years, where she taught undergraduates and graduate students and served as a graduate admissions director. She also worked as a social scientist for the CDC. Juliann currently enjoys writing about higher education, health and medicine, crisis communication, travel, business, finance, and lifestyle.

Juliann holds a Ph.D. in communication studies from the University of Oklahoma. She also has an MA from the University of Alabama and a BA from the University of Nebraska.

  • Expertise: Higher education, College Admissions
  • Education: Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Oklahoma; MA, University of Alabama; BA, University of Nebraska

    Subject areas:

    Higher education, health and medicine, crisis communication, travel, business, finance, lifestyle

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