Samantha Fecich, Ph.D.
Sam Fecich, Ph.D., has been an associate professor of education for seven years. She is the author of “EduMagic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers” and “EduMagic Shine On: A Guide for New Teachers.” She is a certified instructional technologist in K-12 special education, K-12 elementary education, and pre-K to sixth grade in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Fecich earned her Ph.D. in learning, design, and technology from Penn State University. She also holds an M.Ed. in special education and an M.Ed. in instructional technology — both from Penn State. She believes that working with preservice teachers is an honor and finds it exciting to prepare the future generation of teachers to become educators of excellence.
Dr. Fecich is a paid member of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.
- Expertise: K-12 education, special education, instructional learning, design, and technology
- Education: Ph.D. Learning, Design, and Technology, University of Pennsylvania; M.Ed. Special Education, Penn State University; M.Ed. Instructional Systems, Penn State University – World Campus, California; BS Special Education and Elementary Education, University of Pennsylvania
- Affiliations: Council for Exceptional Children of Pennsylvania
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