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T.J. Jourian, Ph.D.

TJ Jourian, Ph.D.
Contributing Writer

T.J. Jourian, Ph.D., is an independent scholar, consultant, and trainer with Trans*Formational Change. His professional experiences span LGBTQ+ life, residential life, women’s center work, and multicultural affairs. He has also served as faculty at four institutions in their higher education and student affairs programs.

T.J. co-founded Trans*Forming Higher Education Collaborative and the Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs. His research and advocacy interests center on queer and trans people of color, with particular attention to masculinity, transness, and racialization; campus gender and sexuality centers and practitioners; and trans*ing constructs and methodologies.

  • Expertise: PLGBTQ+ life, Residential life, Women’s center work, Multicultural affairs
  • Education: Ph.D. Higher Education, Loyola University Chicago; MA Student Affairs Administration and BA General Management, Michigan State University

Subject areas:

LGBTQ+ life, residential life, women's center work, multicultural affairs

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